How to roast Chana Dal and making Sattu Powder

Take a bowl and wash 1 cup Chana Dal in it. Now soak Chana Dal in water for 30 minutes.

Now drain the water and transfer soaked chana dal to Iron wok for roasting. Roast on low flame for 20-25 minutes.

Turn off the flame and transfer roasted chana dal to a plate for cooling down. It took 30 minutes.

Now transfer to a mixer grinder jar and grind it to a fine powder. Sattu powder is ready.

Making Sattu Drink / Sattu Sharbat

Take a glass, add 2 tbsp Grated Jaggery and fill it with water. Stir and let jaggery completely dissolve in water.

Now add 2 tbsp (or as per the consistency add more if you want to) of Sattu Powder in it and mix it thoroughly. Sattu Drink is ready.