Idli with Coconut Chutney and Peanut Chutney | Easy way of making idli

Idli with Coconut Chutney and Peanut Chutney. Idli, a quintessential South Indian delicacy, is a beloved steamed rice cake known for its fluffy texture and subtle flavor. Made from a batter of fermented rice and lentils, this humble dish is not only delicious but also nutritious and easy to digest. Its preparation involves soaking rice and lentils, grinding them into a smooth batter, fermenting it overnight, and then steaming the batter in special molds until it’s cooked to perfection. The result is a light and airy cake that pairs wonderfully with a variety of accompaniments, making it a favorite breakfast option across India and beyond.

Idli with Coconut Chutney and Peanut chutney
Idli with Coconut Chutney and Peanut chutney

Coconut chutney, a classic side dish served with idli and dosa, is a creamy and flavorful condiment that adds a burst of freshness to any meal. Made from freshly grated coconut, green chilies, roasted chana dal, and a hint of ginger, this chutney is ground into a smooth paste and seasoned with aromatic mustard seeds and curry leaves. Its vibrant green color and fragrant aroma enhance the dining experience, while its cooling properties provide a refreshing contrast to the warmth of the idli. With its simplicity and versatility, coconut chutney is a staple in South Indian cuisine and a favorite among food enthusiasts worldwide.

Peanut chutney, another popular accompaniment to South Indian dishes, offers a delightful blend of nuttiness and tanginess that tantalizes the taste buds. Made from roasted peanuts, dried red chilies, tamarind, and spices, this chutney is ground to a smooth consistency and tempered with aromatic mustard seeds, urad dal, and curry leaves. Its rich flavor profile and creamy texture complement the earthiness of the idli, creating a harmonious marriage of flavors that delights the senses. Whether enjoyed as a dip, spread, or topping, peanut chutney adds depth and complexity to every bite, making it a must-have condiment in any South Indian meal.

Idli with coconut chutney and peanut chutney is more than just a meal; it’s a celebration of South Indian culinary tradition and the vibrant flavors of the region. From the labor-intensive process of fermenting the idli batter to the meticulous preparation of the chutneys, each step in the cooking process reflects centuries-old techniques passed down through generations. This cherished dish embodies the spirit of community and togetherness, as families gather around the dining table to enjoy a wholesome and satisfying meal that nourishes both body and soul.

What makes idli with coconut chutney and peanut chutney truly special is its versatility and adaptability. While traditionally enjoyed for breakfast, this dish can be enjoyed at any time of day and customized to suit individual tastes and preferences. Whether served with a side of tangy sambar or enjoyed with a drizzle of spicy chutney powder, idli transforms into a delightful culinary experience that transcends cultural boundaries and brings people together in celebration of good food and good company.

Idli with Coconut Chutney and Peanut chutney

Idli with 2 Chutneys

Relish the authentic flavors of South Indian cuisine with fluffy Idlis served alongside Coconut Chutney and Peanut Chutney. These soft and airy rice-lentil Idli are complemented perfectly by the creamy Coconut Chutney, made with coconut, green chilies, and spices for a refreshing kick. Accompanied by the nutty richness of Peanut Chutney, crafted from roasted peanuts. Whether savoured for breakfast, brunch, or a hearty snack, Idli with Coconut and Peanut Chutneys is a cherished culinary delight that brings joy to every meal.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 13 hours
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 13 hours 30 minutes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine Indian
Servings 4 People
Calories 290 kcal


  • 2-3 Bowls
  • Mixer Grinder
  • Spatula
  • Vessel



  • 1 cup Split Black Gram Without Cover
  • 3 cup Water
  • 3 cup Idli rava
  • 2 cup Water
  • 2 tsp Salt
  • ½ cup Flattened Rice Powder
  • ½ cup Water

Coconut Chutney

  • 1 cup Chopped Coconut
  • 2 inch Ginger
  • 3 nos Green Chilli
  • 1 tsp Cumin Seeds
  • ½ tsp Salt
  • 1 bunch Corriander Leaves
  • ¼ cup Roasted Chana Dal

Peanut Chutney

  • 1 cup Roasted Peanut
  • 1 tsp Cumin Seeds
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 3 nos Green Chilli
  • 2 inch Ginger
  • ½ glass water

Adding Spices to Chutney

  • 2 tbsp Oil
  • 1 tsp Mustard Seeds
  • 1 tsp Cumin Seeds
  • 1 tsp Black Split Gram
  • 2 tsp Chickpea
  • 10 nos Curry leaves



  • Take 1 cup Split Black Gram in a bowl and wash it thoroughly. Soak in 3 cup Water for 4-5 hrs.
  • Drain the water and mixer grind the lentil with 1 glass of fresh water to a fine paste. Transfer to a container. Add some water in mixer grinder to remove complete paste to the same.
  • Now add 3 cup Idli rava and 2 cup Water. Mix it and close with a lid. Keep it for 12 hrs in a warm place. You can see that batter is now more the quantity.
  • Now add 2 tsp Salt, ½ cup Flattened Rice Powder, and ½ cup Water. Mix it thoroughly. Close with lid and let it rest for 30 mins.
  • Mix the batter again. Take Idli containers and apply ghee / oil as a grease. Add small quantity of batter in the containers, let there be some space as it bulges for forming idli. And then cook in idli cooker.
  • Add 2 glasses water in idli cooker with a pinch of nimbu sattava. Transfer the stack of Idli Conainers to the cooker and close the lid. Cook on medium flame for 10 mins. Turn off the flame and let it cook on steam for 5 mins.
  • Now open the lid and gently remove the Idlis in a container. Reapeat the process for let out idli batter. Fluffy Idlis are ready.

Coconut Chutney

  • In a mixer grinder jar add 1 cup Chopped Coconut, 2 inch Ginger, 3 nos Green Chilli, 1 tsp Cumin Seeds, ½ tsp Salt, 1 bunch Corriander Leaves, and ¼ cup Roasted Chana Dal. Mixer grind it for a minute. Transfer to a container. Coconut Chutney is ready.

Peanut Chutney

  • In a mixer grinder jar add 1 cup Roasted Peanut, 1 tsp Cumin Seeds, 1 tsp Salt, 3 nos Green Chilli, 2 inch Ginger, and ½ glass water. Mixer grind it for a minute. Transfer to a container. Peanut Chutney is ready.

Adding Spices to Chutney

  • Take a pan and heat 2 tbsp Oil, add 1 tsp Mustard Seeds, 1 tsp Cumin Seeds, 1 tsp Black Split Gram, 2 tsp Chickpea, and 10 nos Curry leaves. Let all the lentils get crunchy.
  • Add this to both the chutneys from top half the quantity in each for a crunchy flavour.



Serve hot idli with Ghee or Butter on it for adding more taste.
Keyword Coconut Chutney, Dry Peanut Chutney, idli batter, Idli Chutney, Peanut Chutney


2-3 Bowls

Mixer Grinder



Idli Cooker

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